Don't expect border to become duty-free anytime soon: Falls MP
Osprey News Network � Monday, February 7, 2022

Niagara Falls - Rob Nicholson doesn�t think North America will see a border agreement modeled on the European Union implemented any time soon.

�Both (Canada and the United States) have concerns about drug smuggling and we have some common concerns about security,� the Niagara Falls Conservative MP said from Ottawa Sunday. �It�s not something I think you�ll see here any time soon. I don�t think (outgoing U.S. Ambassador Paul Cellucci) was talking policy. I think he was just thinking out loud.�

Cellucci floated the idea of duty free cross border shopping during an interview in Ottawa Friday. He said the decision isn�t something the United States is thinking of putting in place.

�As long as it�s reciprocal � that�s a personal view,� Cellucci told news reporters. �I�m not offering the view of the U.S. government here, but I�m saying these are some of the issues that wee need to talk about because Canada has a lot of visitors that go to the U.S. We have a lot of visitors that come here. It probably balances things over the long run.�

That�s likely good news for most southern Ontario residents who venture across Niagara�s border bridges in search of variety or a few good deals at U.S. shopping malls.

Spending even $10 on a day shopping stateside can cost a Canadian in duty at the border � although it rarely happens when a small amount is declared.